Buy Shagbark Hickory Trees | Online Trees for Sale at | TECH TREES
88996 552 Avenue
Crofton, NE 68730

Shagbark Hickory

Carya ovata
-43° F to 115° F
Shade tolerance: Moderate
Maturity Ht: 130'
Growth Rate: Fast
Drought tolerance: Moderate
Grown in 8" - 10" root training treepots - Ht: 8"

A distinctive tree with loose-plated bark and sweet nuts that were once a staple food for American Indians and numerous wildlife species. Grows on a wide range of soils and prefers adequate moisture. Fastest growing hickory but still slower than most oaks. Strong wood used where impact resistance is important. Nuts eaten by human and wildlife.

Contact Information

Phone: 402-388-4276

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